Code of Ethics Policy

Dignity and Respect in Health and Development

Policy number <> Version <>
Drafted by <> Approved by Board on <>
Responsible person <> Scheduled review date <>

The ethical climate of an organisation is an essential element in establishing its credibility and furthering its mission. An organisational culture that takes ethical considerations into account at every point cannot be produced simply by having the Board lay down a code; ethical principles must arise from consultation with and responsiveness to the organisation’s members, clients, employees, volunteers, and stakeholders.

This policy is designed to provide guidelines for procedures that will allow Dignity Pasifika to evolve a consensus on the ethical principles that should guide its conduct.

Dignity Pasifika commits itself to operating in accordance with an ethical code drawn up through agreed procedures following consultation with members, clients, employees, volunteers, and stakeholders.


[Dignity Pasifika]

Dignity and Respect in Health and Development

Procedures number <> Version <>
Drafted by <> Approved by ED on <>
Responsible person <> Scheduled review date <>

It shall be the responsibility of the Board to appoint an Ethics Committee headed by a Coordinator and including among its membership the Secretary of the Board.
The Coordinator of the Ethics Committee shall be responsible for carrying out the process of developing a Code of Ethics for the organisation.
The ED shall be responsible for disseminating the eventual Code of Ethics and of ensuring its observance.

The Ethics Committee shall organise consultation with members, clients, employees, volunteers, and stakeholders on
• The values that the organisation wishes to embody, and
• The specific ethical imperatives that are implied by these values.
The discussions around these issues should be used as a means to raise awareness of the significance of ethical attitudes to the effective operation of the organisation.
The Committee shall then
• Review the policies of the organisation to ensure that these are not in conflict with the organisation’s ethical principles, and
• Draw up a draft Code of Ethics for the organisation.
It should be noted that the organisation’s ethical position is represented both by the organisation’s policies and by its Code of Ethics, and any particular ethical guideline does not necessarily need to be repeated in both.
The draft Code of Ethics should then be circulated for discussion and comment to members, clients, employees, volunteers, and stakeholders. Again, the discussion should be used to forward a commitment among all concerned with the organisation to the ethical operation of the organisation.
The Ethics Committee shall forward a final draft of the Code of Ethics to the Board. The Board may make any alterations it sees fit, and the resulting Code of Ethics shall be presented for the approval of the membership at the next General Meeting.
Once the Code of Ethics has been approved by the General Meeting it shall be implemented by the organisation.
Procedures should then be instituted to provide sanctions for breaches of the Code, with penalties ranging from official reprimand to fine or demotion.

• Constitution
• Standing Orders
• Conflict of Interest Policy
• Affirmative Action
• Discrimination & Harassment
• Equal Employment Opportunity
• Sexual Harassment
• Bullying Policy
• Family Friendly Policy (Long Version)
• Family Friendly Policy (Short Version)
• Environmental Policy
• Conflict of Interest Policy
• Transparency & Accountability Policy
• Fundraising Policy
• Personal Use of Vehicles & Equipment Policy
• Legislative Compliance Policy
• Dispute Resolution Policy
• Acceptable Use of Computers, Internet & Email Policy



It must be stressed that this Code is not presented as a model for possible adoption but merely as an illustration of the kind of agreed principles that might arise from a process of consultation.

• Shall, in all business conducted under the aegis of Dignity Pasifika, place the interests of the organisation over their own interests of those of any other person or persons;
• Shall observe the provisions of the constitution, policies, and rules of the association;
• Shall treat the other members of the organisation, and the staff of the organisation, and the office-bearers of the organisation, and the clients of the organisation, with respect;
• Shall undertake any training necessary for the performance of their duties;
• Shall, in any work carried out for the organisation, follow the directions of their designated supervisors;
• Shall not so act as to bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.

• Shall, in all business conducted under the aegis of Dignity Pasifika, place the interests of the organisation over their own interests of those of any other person or persons;
• Shall observe the provisions of the Constitution, policies, and rules of the association, including any policies on conflict of interest;
• Shall enthusiastically and competently carry out the duties specified by their contract of employment;
• Shall treat the other staff of the organisation, and the members of the organisation, and the office-bearers of the organisation, and the clients of the organisation, with respect;
• Shall undertake any training necessary for the performance of their duties;
• Shall, in any work carried out for the organisation, follow the directions of their designated supervisors;
• Shall not so act as to bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.
• Shall observe the provisions of the Constitution, policies, and rules of the association;
• Shall treat the other members of the organisation, and the staff of the organisation, and the office-bearers of the organisation, and the clients of the organisation, with respect;
• Shall not so act as to bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.

• Shall, in all business conducted under the aegis of Dignity Pasifika, place the interests of the organisation over their own interests of those of any other person or persons;
• Shall observe the provisions of the Constitution, policies, and rules of the association;
• Shall, as far as possible, attend all meetings of the Board, and, in the event that they are prevented from attending any meeting of the Board, shall notify the Secretary of their absence in advance of the meeting;
• Shall devote to their duties the amount of time required to carry them out thoroughly and effectively;
• Shall undertake any training necessary for the performance of their duties;
• Shall treat the other members of the Board, and the other members of the organisation, and the staff of the organisation, and the office-bearers of the organisation, and the clients of the organisation, with respect;
• Shall not so act as to bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.

• Shall carry out enthusiastically and competently the duties assigned to the position;
• Shall, in all business conducted under the aegis of Dignity Pasifika, place the interests of the organisation over their own interests of those of any other person or persons;
• Shall observe the provisions of the Constitution, policies, and rules of the association;
• Shall, as far as possible, attend all meetings of the Board, and, in the event that they are prevented from attending any meeting of the Board, shall notify the Secretary of their absence in advance of the meeting;
• Shall devote to their duties the amount of time required to carry them out thoroughly and effectively;
• Shall undertake any training necessary for the performance of their duties;
• Shall treat the other members of the Board, and the other members of the organisation, and the staff of the organisation, and the office-bearers of the organisation, and the clients of the organisation, with respect;
• Shall not so act as to bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.